1. I've been running like crazy, almost every day, especially with school being out. I've found my rhythm. I still get up at 6am, have my tea, do my computer and then get out and run by 7am. Beat the heat and for some reason it starts my day off right. Then I come home and walk the dogs. I have it all done by 930am and I have the whole rest of the day ahead of me. It actually makes me feel a little smug. :o) I've run 20 out of 28 days and erged 2 of the other days. Yeah for me. I still can't seem to get any faster, but I figure as long as I'm running, my heart is beating and the sweat is pouring - then I'm doing okay.
3. As of today I have officially given up all my Viking Athletic Booster Club responsibilities!! After doing Spiritwear and everything else for the last 5 years, I guess it's time for me to move on. It's a little difficult to give up the Spiritwear store, I really think of it as my baby. I will continue to work in there on Fridays, but I won't be in charge of anything. I've just decided that if I'm going to spend so much of my time doing something, I would like to be at least a little bit appreciated and that is definitely not the case with VABC. Crew takes up so much of my time that I certainly won't be bored. And, I love Crew, I love the kids, I love the team, I love the sport and I love the parents. So, if I'm going to be crazy busy, I'd rather be busy doing something I really enjoy with people who appreciate me and are fun to be around.
4. Brenna is doing great this summer. She's in and out. Doing lots of Bat research, small mammal trapping (Smammaling) and even getting paid for it. She's been running with me, which is nice because she and I run at about the same pace.
5. The other exciting thing is Zack. He's also working out this summer, running and erging. He's also started eating better. He's actually eaten dinner with us a couple of times. He's been making eggs, discovered he loves salmon burgers and actually ate some chicken the other night! He's also been chowing down on bananas, protein bars and fruti. I'm just thrilled when he'll eat anything besides Eggo Waffles or Fruit Loops. He's doing a sculling camp for the next 3 weeks and then a rowing camp all of August.
6. Been to the pool once and gotten my first official burn of the summer. Doesn't seem like it's summer until I get my initial burn on.
All in all, it's been a successful first week of summer. Here's hoping that things slow down a little bit and I can get a start on my To Do list. Of course, it's the same To Do list from last year because I got absolutely NOTHING done last summer.