So I found this blog... and I guess each Friday she posts 5 questions for everyone to answer. Sounds good to me. Means I don't have to sit and stare at my blog waiting for inspiration to hit. Also means I can cross Blog of my To Do list at least for one day! I'm totally in. So read on and let me know what you would answer...
1. If you had the opportunity to bungee jump, would you?
Are you kidding me??? I don't even like to climb up the step stool to change a light bulb. If there is an opposite of an adrenaline junkie that would be me. I might very well be allergic to adrenaline!
Also most bungee jumping takes place on bridges, very tall, very high bridges and I have an irrational fear of those as well.
When we lived in Prattville, AL you had to drive over this old, rusty metal bridge to get to the thriving hellhole of Montgomery and it use to freak me out every time. I would drive across the bridge and practice how I would undo my seat belt and pop Brenna out of her car seat before the car sunk completely under the water. Do you pop the seatbelts and harness before you hit the water and then risk impact injuries or do you wait until you've begun to sink to do it and risk drowning in murky, creature infested Alabama swamp water? This is also the reason I asked for a Life Hammer every Christmas for years!!! But I digress....
No I would not bungee jump!
2. Would you rather go to the movie theater or to the drive-in?
Again...duh movie theater... while in theory and in a perfect climate-controlled world the drive-in would be cool, but sadly reality not so much.
Bugs, bad sound and the worst part for us... they start so damn late! Neither John nor I can make it through a whole movie if it doesn't start by 730pm...nevermind a double feature.
3. Do you have your groceries delivered?
I don't even let John shop for groceries. If the grocery people are anything like my husband you order Kraft mac and cheese and you get Hunan pea noodle bowl. "What??? they are both noodles?" or you order Hellman's lite mayo and you get Chipotle pimento sandwich spread! "WHAT? they didn't have what you wanted!" Really they didn't have mayo at the grocery store?
Besides how would the grocery store people know I needed **NEW** giant sized gummi bears or **JUST RECEIVED*** decadent Dove bars with dark chocolate and almond sprinkles or Vodka? Since I don't know until I get there! :o)
4. Eyebrows: Do you wax, thread, pluck, or stay au naturel?
Sadly I wax myself and not successfully, and then I pluck until I have my normal bush brows back.
But I am totally fascinated by the threading and I think we should make it a Girls Night Out one day.
5. Would the people you went to high school with be surprised by your life today?
The people I went to high school with wouldn't even remember me since I never got to stay at high school for more than a year before we moved. They might be surprised I was in their high school.
Actually I guess I did spend my 9th and 10th grade in the same school, but the answer still stands, who remembers anyone from 9th grade.