Friday, August 3, 2012

I need an Intervention!

I need an Intervention... an Olympic Intervention.  I'm addicted I can't stop.  For heaven's sake I found myself watching Badminton today!  Badminton... really?  I can't stop... the TV is on all day.  I've watched all the regular stuff, swimming, gymnastics, volleyball but not just the regular stuff.  I've watched table tennis, archery, shooting, kayak, rowing, beach volleyball, water polo... I watch it all.  I surf the channels like a junkie... a little fix here, a little fix there.  The only thing I can't stomach is Basketball.  I'm sorry, but I don't think those professional basketball players should be in the Olympics. Where is the sport in that.  So, no basketball for me.  But otherwise, if it's on - I am watching.  I'm getting nothing accomplished, especially sleeping.  Of course this happens to be the one week where I have to be somewhere at 740am each morning!  But does that stop me from watching a golden moment.  Nope!  I just function in a haze of exhaustion.  There's something pathetically sad about the fact that I'm complaining about being exhausted by WATCHING the olympics.  I'm worn out from lifting the clicker to change channels, from cheering our team to victory through all those close finishes and worn out from racing to the kitchen to get my snack during the commercials.
We still have another week to go... I hope I have the stamina!

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