Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Mid-Atlantic Erg Sprints

This past weekend the Crew team participated in Mid-Atlantic Erg Sprints.  We had a great time and we had a HUGE turnout.  Last year we had 8 kids participate and this year we had 28!!  It's one of the largest Erg events in the country.  It was a lot of fun and we did really well.  Zack did a 1500m race for his age group and then he did a Quad Slide race with his buddies.  During the 1500m piece he did his best split yet, but frankly our kids just can't keep up with some of the big ass kids that were there.  I also think he needs to work on eating more so that he's got enough fuel in his tank.

Coxing one of his friends
The Quad slide he rowed in came in 3rd out of 3, but again in an open weight division where the other boys were beasts.  But more exciting… we had 2 Quads a Junior quad (made up of all varsity juniors) and a Zack's Sophomore quad, when you looked at their meters rowed… the sophomores actually beat the juniors by 4 meters.  That's pretty exciting, to know that they were able to not only keep up with, but actually beat the older guys.

It was a long tiring day, but our kids put out a great effort and a couple of our girls actually medaled!  We have such a great group of kids!  I just love hanging out with them and watching them do well.

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