Monday, December 17, 2012

Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree!

Our record is unbroken, yet another successful, painless tree hunting trip.  I love our little local run nursery.  They always have beautiful trees, are 5 mins from our house, have snacks and a free poinsettia when you get a tree.  What's not to love.  To top it all off this year, it was about 55 degrees, so we weren't even cold.  We all decided that this year was going to be the BAT year.  BigAssTree year.  Usually we tend toward the tall and skinny tree...not this year we were going for FAT!  After much deliberation and running back and forth, Zack actually found the winner this year... and it is a beaut!

  Then we brought it home and the decorating began.  John and Zack brought it in and secured it,  Brenna did lights, the kids and I decorated and Mimi and I did the beading.  It was a team effort and there was almost no bickering.  I few quibblies over who got to hang certain ornaments, but fortunately they were able to resolve their issues on their own.

 Best BigAssTree ever!

Once the tree was taken care of and admired, then the decorating of the tree skirt began.  Since we decided last year to switch from hands and feet to thumbprint characters, this year it was thumbprint snowmen.  The funniest part about it - was the difference in decorating method between boys and girls. Brenna, Mimi and I practiced our snowmen on construction paper for probably 20 minutes before we went in for the real thing.  I think Zack did one practice snowman and John just looked at all the practice ones and went straight for the real thing.  Even funnier... they all just look fine.

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